Conservation and Regulation Working Together
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
IPaC Decision Support System
The Service is currently developing their online Information, Planning, and Conservation (IPaC) decision support system to provide project proponents with ecological information while leading them through a step-by-step project design process. Portions of this system are currently up and running while other parts are in active development. As IPaC functionality increases, the system will allow users to compare design alternatives while constructing the documents needed to complete Endangered Species Act review and approval processes. Project proponents can use the system to develop information that can be directly incorporated into documents used in other environmental reviews, such as NEPA. IPaC can currently be used to provide resource information to regional planning efforts and facilitate the delivery of development programs in shorter timeframes because it simplifies and streamlines the review and approval process and integrates them with other environmental review processes for better project outcomes and more effective resource conservation.
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